Galveztown Featured in Recent PNJ, Inweekly and Pulse Publications
The Galveztown development was recently featured across the Pensacola News Journal, Independent Weekly and The Pulse. The InWeekly noted Galveztown as playing a key role in downtown Pensacola development, and both The Pulse and the PNJ published exclusive updates on the progress of the development. Read the excerpts below.
From the InWeekly:
"GalveztownYou might have noticed that old YMCA is no longer standing on North Palafox. In its place will soon be Galveztown—which will include residential lots, a restaurant space and office building.Developer Fred Gunther told Inweekly that the public will see progress at his Galveztown development within the next few weeks.“We have contracted with Gulf Power to convert the site to underground utilities, so the power poles and overhead lines on site will soon be gone,” he said. “Upon completion, which Gulf Power has estimated at four-six weeks, we will be ready to begin selling the lots.”The underground utilities will allow the reduction of prices for nine residential lots to the $165,000 to $175,000 range.“In addition, we are offering a construction incentive of $20,000 to the first four buyers to close on their lot and commence construction within six months,” said Gunther."
For more information on Galveztown, visit or